Industrial IoT

Industrial IoT
The Internet of Things in Industrial environments has created equal opportunities for small and medium enterprises, and large-scale enterprises. This advent of smart technology is enabling step by step transformations in Indian industries, allowing each enterprise to chart its own digital transformation path and trajectory.

Tata Communications brings industrial IoT solutions that will streamline automation in industries, one step at a time. Our solutions come in modular packages that are ready to deploy, integrate and scale as your business grows. Our endeavour to bring new solutions and industrial use cases gives our customers the edge and flexibility to constantly prioritize process optimizations.

Solution Benefits

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Use Cases

Power management:

Industrial IoT devices can be deployed to implement energy monitoring and targeting systems, load monitoring mechanisms to remote monitoring and control of industrial equipment including surface temperature monitoring for power distribution equipment.

Process monitoring:

Gather operational insights by setting up process monitors that can monitor a wide range of industrial parameters such as flow, level etc.

Feedback system:

Implement the versatile smart button to build a feedback mechanism in the service industry, safety alert mechanism, stock replenishment trigger, etc.


Top 10 LoRaWAN® solutions for industrial IoT




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