Asset Tracking

Asset Tracking
Mobility drives businesses. For the enterprises chasing borderless growth in dynamic environments, the seamless functioning of their backend operations holds key to all commerce and growth. Unexpected downtime of machinery or loss of an asset could lead to business disruption in this fast-moving world. In cases where assets are geographically distributed in urban and remote areas, this poses a greater challenge to maintain and manage assets, weather the assets are stationary or on the move.

Our IoT based asset tracking solution (ATS) offers to provide a unique asset management system that allows enterprises to track their assets however widely distributed, in real time. The sensors are also capable of monitoring the health parameters of the asset, giving enterprises an edge to stay competitive and reduce unplanned downtime.

Solution Benefits

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Use Cases

Container / Pallet monitoring:

A high-risk worker such as a crane operator has a fever, or has an anomalous heartbeat (too low or high), the system sends an automated alert to his supervisor that this particular worker has a health issue which needs to be investigated.

Geo-location and Theft alert:

Fixed industrial equipment such as electrical transformers are a risk both from an operational and safety angle, as well as a high value capital loss. Asset Tracking sensors can not only confirm the location under normal operations, but also assist in pursuit and recovery in the event of theft.

Urban mobility:

Urban mobility service providers must mitigate the risk of loss of critical assets such as bikes and cars. The self-powered sensor can transmit location coordinates in real time in the event of theft.


Connecting intelligence to your Assets




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